When it comes to love, from my personal experience, it doesn't matter how ready or right you are for someone that isn't ready for you, and vice versa. I keep one rule when it comes to dating, if I know I would damage someone by being in their world, I have no business bringing them in mine. Most people are so scared to be alone they run to the nearest relationship to be with someone when they still have issues from the last relationship that didn't work. Thus bringing old issues and unhealed wounds to a fresh start only to destroy something that could have been great. Take a moment and imagine if someone did to you what you did to them, would you want them to wait or continue to pursue you?
When it comes to family, from my personal experience, they suck the life out of you. With that being said, I still love them and wouldn't trade for anything. They mean the world to mean, but that doesn't mean they are good for me either.
Now when it comes to life, my personal experience, if it doesn't make you happy, wealthy, or loved, then I have no businesses being apart of it. It is a hard lesson to learn and I don't believe it can be taught. You can't allow others to rule your life and you can't live for others. Do what you need to do for you, because everyone else is looking out for themselves.
It is a harsh reality when you realize the people you surround yourself with will define you, but swallowing that pill and making the best of whatever you got is all part of the journey.
It is a harsh reality when you realize the people you surround yourself with will define you, but swallowing that pill and making the best of whatever you got is all part of the journey.
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